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Category: Time Capsule

Stories that reveal current events, views, opinions, actions or products that may be tied heavily to the time period.

Choosing Which Multiple Home Wi-Fi Access Point To Use May Be Important.

Choosing Which Multiple Home Wi-Fi Access Point To Use May Be Important.

I have two wireless access points in my home.  The main access, Apple Time Capsule, shows 12 Wi-Fi devices connected.  That Time Capsule gets our cable signal directly.  The second access point, Apple Airport Express, only had one Wi-Fi device connected and gets it’s signal from an Ethernet feed from our router.  Both my wife in the kitchen and I in the dinning room were watching the 2018 FIFA World Soccer match using Spectrum Live TV application.  That application is…

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One Of Many Republican Conundrums – Appointment Of A Supreme Court Justice

One Of Many Republican Conundrums – Appointment Of A Supreme Court Justice

For the more intelligent but rather small Republican strategists it might occur that if they thwart Obama from making his choice a lot of Democrats and independents might drift toward voting for a Democrat president, in the next presidential election, in the hopes of thwart the “Supreme Court”, the US Senate and the House of Representatives from obtaining a Republican majority.

Arab Spring – Opinion

Arab Spring – Opinion

The Arab Spring at first seemed to be a new bright beginning for the Middle East but one must understand that the humane being is innately not compassionate but self serving and out of that selfish to the point of denying anyone else from attaining any gain.

Shocking Observation, October 2015

Shocking Observation, October 2015

He said that he canceled his subscription. I asked why and he said he was getting tired of all the negative news. That’s interesting because just a few days prior I really got the same feeling after looking over that day’s paper. Just a few days later, October 8, 2015, I talked to my next door neighbor and he too has dropped out from following the news.

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