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Category: Military

A List Of Expected Changes To This Country If Trump Wins

A List Of Expected Changes To This Country If Trump Wins

This entry is part 14 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

From my day to day hearing and viewing news coverage for the upcoming election I was annoyed a bit hearing some people making their decisions, to vote for Trump, based on just a few factors.  I am pretty sure that Donald Trump has a LOT of negative factors as to why you should not vote for him.  I decided to find a prior list and add the elements to  construct a SIMPLE list of reasons.  My intent is to show…

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The US Constitution Second Amendment Analyzed

The US Constitution Second Amendment Analyzed

One particular addition to the United States Constitution  is the second amendment.  It reads as follows: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” There appears to be the popular meaning, the intent and call to action, that appears at the surface for reading those words.  Then there is a deeper dig into the understanding of the meaning as the words…

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US Navy To Eliminate Two Navy Combat Camera Units. Why?

US Navy To Eliminate Two Navy Combat Camera Units. Why?

Something seems rather odd with the recent decision to eliminate two US Navy combat camera units as reported at Navy Times. “The Navy will eliminate it’s two combat camera units by Oct. 1 in an effort to cut costs and eliminate billets, Navy Times has learned.” “… the communities they served have found alternative ways to meet their needs.” “Between the two combat camera units, one of which is based in Norfolk and one in San Diego, the cuts will…

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