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Category: Children

Fight Child Poverty

Fight Child Poverty

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Child Poverty

It is never has been my interest or motivation to recommend to my readers any charity because that is not the main purpose of this blog.  This blog is to inform, not to sell.  But, this issue of child poverty, in my mind, is very important to us all.  I, therefor, have tried to research any possible solution that we, as a population of public, can think about adopting to improve this situation.  Our politicians should work toward resolving this…

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Why Computer Games Might Be Good For Young People

Why Computer Games Might Be Good For Young People

Let me cover some viewpoints and offer perspective to counter some of the negativity aimed at gaming. Gamers are escapists.  They certainly are which is an important attraction making computer games a successful commercial product.  Why might escapism be good?  One answer is that some of our young people live in homes that are troubled.  One in eight adolescents may be suffering from depression.  One factor that may lead to depression includes family problems.  I was utterly shocked to learn…

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Why Some Young Women Make A Life Choice Mistake.

Why Some Young Women Make A Life Choice Mistake.

See also the article Gatekeeping Young Women I have come across a number of middle aged women who might have made a mistake in one of life choices that can significantly impact their lives and the lives of their children.  This article will spend time exploring one of these possible life choices because we see a pattern repeat over and over again and wish to alert young women about this possible problem. The life choice pattern we are concerned about…

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Calculating Parent Audiance Size

Calculating Parent Audiance Size

I was having a conversation with a PTA mother as to how many parents might attend a school event I was helping to plan.  She raised a point that was most shocking to me.  We had a set number of children that were comming to the event and I naturally calculated two parents for each child.  This PTA mom told me to calculate four parents for each child.  The reason was that so many children came from divorced parents.

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