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Category: Commentary

The blog author and other people’s comments on any aspect of life.

NFL Football & Networks Fail To Meet Some Of Our Needs.

NFL Football & Networks Fail To Meet Some Of Our Needs.

“The rules about what games local TV stations are allowed to air are crafted between the NFL and networks which carry the games (FOX, CBS, NBC, ESPN and NFL Network). Local affiliates (i.e. FOX31 Denver) have little control in the process – and are sometimes at the mercy of the decisions made on-the-fly by the network.” I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and a close friend of mine loves the Philadelphia Eagles. I have come to enjoy following that…

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Amazon’s Alleged Diddle

Amazon’s Alleged Diddle

At the very end or bottom of the listed items was a military flashlight. I would love to buy it but it was sold out! I would love to go back and retake that survey because I would lower my scores of Amazon.

US Alleged Separation of Children From Parents

US Alleged Separation of Children From Parents

I would place in the personal record of every Border Patrol, ICE, and police officer who can not prove that he or she attempted in a meaningful way to track every child and parent that they were involved in separating a statement of reckless endangerment toward child.

Some Republicans Allegedly Become Criminals

Some Republicans Allegedly Become Criminals

The Republican Party wants to close down the Russian investigation. The obvious reason is those Republicans intend to participate in the criminal activity by protecting the alleged criminals. If successful, the pending criminal Republicans can cover and protect all the participants, including themselves. The facts show that the Muller investigation has exposed serious crime. These criminals have in most cases, attacked the United States institutions. Following is a list proof that the Russian investigation is a viable and fruitful investigation:…

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US Oligarchs Should Be Stripped Of Their Power If They Commit Treason

US Oligarchs Should Be Stripped Of Their Power If They Commit Treason

If it is proven that some oligarchs have used their vast wealth to undermine our constitution to the point of being treasonous? THEN: I recommend that their complete assets of the offending oligarchs should be seized by the government. Such assets should be controlled by the government. Consideration, should be made that such assets ownership of each corporation and company be passed on, in total, to the employees of the company so those employees are not injured by criminal acts of their former employer. Such assets values shall NOT be transferred to the oligarchs, in any form, if and when those assets are sold for value.

The United States Is In Decline

The United States Is In Decline

The United States is in a downward trajectory from being a hegemony, sole world power. Currently China may have matched the United States and if not now will soon do so. More important, China will surly surpass the United States in the year 2030.

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