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Category: Europe

A List Of Expected Changes To This Country If Trump Wins

A List Of Expected Changes To This Country If Trump Wins

This entry is part 14 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

From my day to day hearing and viewing news coverage for the upcoming election I was annoyed a bit hearing some people making their decisions, to vote for Trump, based on just a few factors.  I am pretty sure that Donald Trump has a LOT of negative factors as to why you should not vote for him.  I decided to find a prior list and add the elements to  construct a SIMPLE list of reasons.  My intent is to show…

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Why Brexit Is based on Ignorance

Why Brexit Is based on Ignorance

The British were sold the Brexit idea from the old guard, individuals that apparently may have self serving and flawed, skewed views of their country’s destiny. This rather ignorant idea started from politicians who have ideological beliefs rather than humanistic goals.

European Trip Photo Mistakes and Correct Decisions

European Trip Photo Mistakes and Correct Decisions

I took my first trip to Europe, June 2014.  We traveled to Amsterdam, Germany and Austria.  The Germany and Austria part of the trip was with Trafalgar Tours.  I really was looking forward to taking a lot of pictures and short movies.  Being my first trip to Europe, I had no clue what to do and not to do with a whole lot of issues.  Here is my good and bad list: Correct Decisions I decided to buy a new…

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