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Category: Countries

Why The Country Fell

Why The Country Fell

The individual Afghan soldier seems to have realized that no one had his back.  He was not getting normal expected support for his own existence and efforts. 

Covid Vaccination Rejection Issues

Covid Vaccination Rejection Issues

There may follow some form of follow up retribution agains known groups and individuals who promote not getting vaccinated.  The Republican Party has already lost a lot of followers.  Maybe Fox “News” is next.

Some States Pay More. Some Get Less.

Some States Pay More. Some Get Less.

There appears to be another stark division between Republican and Democrat states that few people seem to realize or understand.   The Basics: Every citizen and business in the United States is expected to pay federal tax. That federal tax money goes into the US Government national treasury.  The amount of total money that each state puts into the national treasury and withdrawn is recorded.   The amount of money going into the national treasury from each state is NOT…

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USA Slow Slide Toward Autocracy

USA Slow Slide Toward Autocracy

The Republican Party  The Republican Party is now the party of white US citizens feeling threatened by the increase in minority numbers and power.   Some Republican politicians, it is reported, say they are even afraid for their lives if they fail to show allegiance for Donald Trump.  Some GOP congressmen and women can no longer do what they may think is correct to protect our democracy but rather make their constituents happy working toward the betterment of the white…

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