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Category: United States of America

What Alleged Crimes Could Donald Trump Be Charged With For Attack On Congress?

What Alleged Crimes Could Donald Trump Be Charged With For Attack On Congress?

This entry is part 5 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

What Alleged Crimes Could Donald Trump Be Charged With For Attack On Congress?   The Democratic presentation for the second impeachment of Donald Trump appeared so powerful that they seemed to prove, without any doubt, that allegedly Donald John Trump performed criminal acts.  According to existing law, Donald J. Trump could be facing fines and imprisonment for 10 to 20 years. He allegedly organized and incited the attack upon the capitol of the United State and individuals. Next is some…

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Alleged Failure Of US Intelligence

Alleged Failure Of US Intelligence

Opinion Based on Facts. Alleged Failure Of US Intelligence The gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world and now from inside the USA,  by US intelligence agencies, may have resulted in a colossal failure that is damaging this country. These alleged errors may have resulted from always looking outward from the United States for government agencies to investigate.  Not until Donald Trump and actors that seem to surround him, such as Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates has…

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Sedition Of January 6, 2021 – Some Surprising Issues Revealed

Sedition Of January 6, 2021 – Some Surprising Issues Revealed

This entry is part 4 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

The January 6, 2021, attack on Congress really revealed what maybe the most singular reason our nation is divided because white people feel they are being outnumbered leading to beliefs and resulting fears of loosing power and control leading to efforts to cement white supremacy into our nation. 

Possible Pending Sedition

Possible Pending Sedition

This entry is part 6 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

Opinion: I have, for the longest time, wondered if a dictatorship  could take place in the United States.  As I watch the progression of U.S. politics, it appears to me that we have quite a few individuals who are now and probably more in the future that support the United States loosing our democracy and sliding into becoming a dictatorship.  This view is promoted by witnessing all the boot lickers in government who fail to tell the truth and work…

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The USA Is Now A Plutocracy Not A Democracy.

The USA Is Now A Plutocracy Not A Democracy.

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Republican Party

Most American citizens think the United States is a Democracy.  It is not true any more.  Today, the United States is ruled by the rich and falls within the category of being a plutocracy or ruled by rich individuals and corporations. Newsweek The Diplomat The Daily Evergreen The Globe Post A rich have the money to pay for political influence and resulting policies that ensure they keep their wealth and gain more wealth and power.  That is, if they calculate…

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