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Tag: Donald Trump

Some Possible Factors That Large Portions Of The United States Might Represent Being An Idiocracy.

Some Possible Factors That Large Portions Of The United States Might Represent Being An Idiocracy.

Why is it that Donald Trump has such high approval among US voters when the evidence about the man should diminish his standing? One of the most significant group of voters that support Donald Trump are white Christians. “… most White Christian voters say they would vote for Trump over Biden if the election were held today” “… he promised to expand religious liberty and nominate pro-life judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade. Perhaps even more important, he fought…

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Donald Trump Score Card

Donald Trump Score Card

DONALD TRUMP SCORE CARD Following is a list of positive, negative, and questionable actions that Donald Trump reportedly and allegedly did.  This effort is to help us all better decide the value of this man to this country and if we should vote for him again. PAST HISTORY President Donald Trump was impeached twice during his single term in office. In each case, he was acquitted on all counts by the Senate. The first impeachment of President Donald Trump occurred…

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