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Tag: Republican Party

President Donald Trump Allegedly Hurts The Working Class

President Donald Trump Allegedly Hurts The Working Class

Opinion Based On Facts Trump seems to be hurting the working class in so many different ways. Let us examine some of them. He and his party recently passed a tax bill that was a smoke and mirror act by claiming it was a universal tax cut but in reality offered tax cuts for the low and middle class while handing huge tax cuts for the very wealthy and corporations. Trump and his party have called for cuts to Social…

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If Trump Is Found Guilty. (Opinion)

If Trump Is Found Guilty. (Opinion)

If President Trump is found to be a criminal and/or traitor within the Mueller’s report, and is successfully prosecuted for such crimes, this could be devastating for a lot of the following individuals and bodies:

Republican Party Is The Party Of Alleged Lies

Republican Party Is The Party Of Alleged Lies

The main concern of the American people is health care. It seems that the Republicans are doing a U turn. To win votes they are pretending to do what the American people want now but will probably go on doing what their beliefs are and that is to kill preexisting health conditions embedded in the Affordable Care Act. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often shortened to the Affordable Care Act or nicknamed Obamacare, is a United States federal…

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VOTE And Save This Country!

VOTE And Save This Country!

The Republican Party really stands for corporate and wealthy interests. The party embraces single issues as a ploy, such as gun rights, immigration to gain followers to push what the party is really interested in which is to help the wealthy to keep their wealth and power.

Why Does The World Seem To Be Shifting To The Political Right?

Why Does The World Seem To Be Shifting To The Political Right?

Some examples of right shifting: U.S.A = The Republican Party has split into two separate parties, the old Republican Party and the new far right. Israel = The vast majority of citizens populate the political right.  The political left is an insignificant minority. Turkey =  The current ruler, an egoist, is using right wing tactics to hold and expand his power.  He will jail any dissenter but fails to protect his citizens from terrorism.  He seems to use terrorism as…

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