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Tag: Asilomar



Location, location, location. You simply can not conceive any better spot in California for this conference center. You are so darn close to the ocean, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific Grove shops and down town Monterey. There are many wonderful restaurants in the area.

Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific Grove, California.

Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific Grove, California.

This particular sight seeing location is very close to Asilomar State Beach and Conference Center, one of our favorite vacation spots located in Pacific Grove, California.  This light house is open from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM weekdays and weekends.  It costs $2 to enter and look around.  The rooms are quite small.  In the basement is a very small room showing the Fresnel lens technology.  When we visited, they were restoring some portions.   Phone Number: 831-648-3176Web site:…

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