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Tag: book review

Book Review: The Author’s Toolkit by Mary Embree.

Book Review: The Author’s Toolkit by Mary Embree.

The Author’s Toolkit by Mary Embree, third edition, published by Allworth Press. I strongly recommend this book for anyone starting the process of writing a fiction or nonfiction book.  The book organization is very good.  The writing is also very good.  It covers almost all the bases one needs to get started.  I did not read it from cover to cover at first but I have pretty much completed the book by jumping around to parts that I needed at…

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Review of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 by Garrick Chow

Review of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 by Garrick Chow

Review of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 by Garrick Chow I have been working on web sites for over five years. My first training was at a state university extension class. It was a great introduction but I quickly realized that web site design would require a lot more effort, a lot more books for me to read. Over time, I was amazed at how web site development has changed and for anyone not making a good effort at keeping current; your…

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