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Tag: compass

The compass of life

The compass of life

Zhenren: Can you explain the compass of life with more detail Selene: Each person possess a compass.  The compass is not a compass you hold in your hand but a process of bringing together a lot of intellectual components to make a good mind decision.  Some personal compasses are better in one person than another.  A good compass necessitates intellect so you can think about all the possibilities and reason out options.  A good compass comes from life experience to…

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Best to Follow Truth.

Best to Follow Truth.

Zhenren: You use the words “live direction”. What exactly do you mean by that? Selene: You are living in a vast environment with natural forces swirling about you. The swirling is not the vortex of a wind force but a linear path you see is a perfect evolution process. You have also created your own constructed world in parallel, be it very small, that too evolves. When making decisions, you would be wise to look at the compass, the direction…

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