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Tag: Democrats

The New Republican Party

The New Republican Party

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Republican Party

The Republicans had two choices to make recently so the party could survive.   One choice is to widen their party ideals to include minorities and become a bit more liberal.  The second choice is to still retain their current values but cheat to retain power.  They decided to cheat.

Possible reasons for the slow demise and ruin of the Republican Party. Part 1.

Possible reasons for the slow demise and ruin of the Republican Party. Part 1.

OPINION Cheating The Election Process The Republican Party finds itself needing to cheat in an attempt to maintain political, legal, and social power.  Past policies have moved it into a corner which seems difficult for it to move out. Now the party cheats by some, if not all, of the methods listed below: Because the Democratic Party supports a full and free democracy but the Republican Party does not, the Republican Party has begun cheating the normal democratic election process. …

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USA, 3.5 Trillion Budget Proposal (2021)

USA, 3.5 Trillion Budget Proposal (2021)

The Democratic Party is in the process of vastly improving the operation, the function, of the United States of America with the 3.5 trillion budget proposal.  The Republican Party fails to support this bill probably because they favor and support the plutocracy class which is fearful that their taxes will rise.

VOTE And Save This Country!

VOTE And Save This Country!

The Republican Party really stands for corporate and wealthy interests. The party embraces single issues as a ploy, such as gun rights, immigration to gain followers to push what the party is really interested in which is to help the wealthy to keep their wealth and power.

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