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Tag: Dreamweaver CS3

Review of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 by Garrick Chow

Review of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 by Garrick Chow

Review of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 by Garrick Chow I have been working on web sites for over five years. My first training was at a state university extension class. It was a great introduction but I quickly realized that web site design would require a lot more effort, a lot more books for me to read. Over time, I was amazed at how web site development has changed and for anyone not making a good effort at keeping current; your…

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Overview of some web technology I use.

Overview of some web technology I use.

I will attempt to outline some of the devices, and methods that are used to construct my web sites, of which there are four. Also I have included some recommendations, some training aids. Please keep in mind that I am a Macintosh person. “If you want to get it done, do it on a Mac”. Thus, the advice below will refer to Macintosh solutions. Sites: There are five sites I am involved in as follows: Site 1: This blog site…

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