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Tag: Fox “News”

News Sources Evaluated. (This web page may be expand as new information is revealed to the blogger.)

News Sources Evaluated. (This web page may be expand as new information is revealed to the blogger.)

When I started researching news sources I was surprised to find a number of web sites that presented large page boxes showing where major sources fit within their box according to horizontal and vertical criteria – rather clever!  You can view some different website boxes next. WEBSITES THAT REVIEW NEWS SOURCES.  THE RESULTS ARE SHOWN IN PART BY SHOWING YOU GRAPHICAL BOXES – CLEVER: AllSides Media Bias Chart _______ News Media Across the Political Spectrum This chart is…

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Covid Vaccination Rejection Issues

Covid Vaccination Rejection Issues

There may follow some form of follow up retribution agains known groups and individuals who promote not getting vaccinated.  The Republican Party has already lost a lot of followers.  Maybe Fox “News” is next.

Possible Pending Sedition

Possible Pending Sedition

This entry is part 6 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

Opinion: I have, for the longest time, wondered if a dictatorship  could take place in the United States.  As I watch the progression of U.S. politics, it appears to me that we have quite a few individuals who are now and probably more in the future that support the United States loosing our democracy and sliding into becoming a dictatorship.  This view is promoted by witnessing all the boot lickers in government who fail to tell the truth and work…

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They Don’t Deserve Democracy

They Don’t Deserve Democracy

I received the following e-mail message from an Indivisible activist: “I’ve moved from despair over not being able to get the goods on Trump to despair over the Republicans and people who don’t want him impeached in the face of ALL the IRREFUTABLE evidence of multiple illegal and impeachable offenses we now have. Sometimes I just get angry and say to myself that THEY don’t deserve Democracy, but of course they take us all down with them!” My reply follows…

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