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Tag: Tea Party

Freedom Caucus Roots

Freedom Caucus Roots

Here is a list of political agenda items that reads like a list written by stupid, not fully developed, selfish, uneducated people that will surely diminish the success of this nation if any come to be accomplished.

Tea Party Principles And Stupid

Tea Party Principles And Stupid

The Tea Party claims that the United States is a superpower due to our free market economy. What a simpleton idea. We are a great nation due to a whole host of other factors that lay as a foundation.

Its The People, Not Congress That Promote Disfunction.

Its The People, Not Congress That Promote Disfunction.

The US Congress approval rating is extremely low.  As of August 28th 2013 the approval ranking was measured to be 15%.  The real, unmentioned, story is that the people at home who voted these congress people into office are really to blame.  It is the people in the heart land of the United States, the red states that seem to be rather dim for a whole host of reasons.  The oligarchs use of political action groups like the Tea Party…

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AP Pole Shows Romney Better At Cutting Logjam?

AP Pole Shows Romney Better At Cutting Logjam?

The Orange County Register (Calif), reports (Nov.1, 2012, News 8) that Romney would do better than Obama at breaking the logjam in Washington.  The difference was ten percent.   I believe that news reports have revealed that the Tea Party, a right side wing nuts of the GOP party, decided on the political tactic to obstruct, stop any cooperation with the Democrats.  What might this suggest of the people participating in the pole?  I might suspect stupid.

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