Current Internet Performance Factor
A lot of data continuously moves around the world through some major infrastructure wiring. As with any complicated utility, the performance of the total system can change. Good performance is when packets are sent swiftly and reliably. Simplistically, a total performance number can be totaled up for the whole system but its value is questionable unless the whole planet is affected. External factors such as radiation from the sun can, at times, disrupt accurate packet travel. If a major fiber optic cable is cut, this can impact signal flow values in large areas of the planet. Cyber attacks that spew out unnecessary packets can also lower performance. In the graphic below,, has quantized the Internet performance. A low number starting at 0 is bad while a top number of 100 is perfect. The graphic below shows the current performance.
A better way to show this level of performance is to break down the world into big chunk sizes typically tied to the large land masses of Earth. To see core down values, just click on the image above.