The mission of this blog is to provide clear, accessible blog posts that help you to stay informed. Our approach is to peruse many forms of information and pull from those sources what we think are the most informative and important for you to better understand what we think is really going on.
This blog is unwavering in our commitment to the ideals of democracy, threats to democracy, the rule of law, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and rising ignorance, polarization and more. This blog also tries to rate the performance for all societies and government organizations. This blog also, often times includes helpful tips, ideas, and views, for you to consider. We strive to make this world a better place for you and a better life experience for all by looking deeper into what is really going on in our world and sharing with you what we find.
We get rewarded by feeling good that we are trying to help others.
Posted 2-10-2025 by Score Card