Paradise Point, San Diego

Paradise Point, San Diego

This resort is still being evaluated and this review will possibly change.

The grounds are luscious, jungle like, quite nice.

The front desk service was perfect.

The bell hop service was wonderful.  Benjamin lead us to our room.  He rode in a long golf cart that was able to carry quite a number of passengers.  He rode ahead leading our vehicle to our room.  He put our luggage into our room for us.  I would not let him leave until he gave us some tips on where to eat off site.  He was an instant , on the spot, concierge and what I liked was his explanations for his selections.  I will report later on how successful his selections turned out to be.

Parking was quite close to our room.  All the rooms here are on the ground floor.  I did not see any rooms above ground floor level which is reassuring in case of a fire.  If there was a fire I would not want to drive any fire truck down the resort roads as they are very narrow.

The room we were given was very nice and what I liked the most was it was spacious.  Two sitting areas were offered inside where the beds were.  A love seat with coffee chest and two chairs near the wet bar and a small table.  My wife and I could dance down the front area of the beds if we liked.  A lot of hotels put the wall at the foot of the bed just a few feet away.  At Paradise Point the wall was over 6 feet away.

Our room had a small refrigerator, small microwave, small safe, coffee pot (defective) with coffee but no tea.  We even had a wonderful sitting area outside our back sliding glass door.  We had contemplated doing an upgrade to a better location and larger room if an upgrade became available but once we viewed the room, it met all of our requirements, quite satisfactory.

No door separating the bathroom sink area had no privacy door which was unacceptable.

The coffee carafe did not have a lid so the coffee maker basket over the carafe would not release water into the carafe.  We used the microwave instead to brew our tea.  It took between 1 and 1/2 minutes to 2 minutes to brew a cup of tea.  At home I can brew a cup of tea in a large mug in 2 minutes to this tells me the microwave is a bit under powered.  You may ask, why would I want to know that?  How about cooking a bag of popcorn.

The sink for the wet bar was not installed correctly.  Actually the person who purchased the faucet failed to measure the faucet arch so water came down along the side of the sink rather than directly over the drain.  I had to be careful not to put water on the counter.

Wall outlets were plentiful except at the head of the bed.  My daugter and I like to use our laptops while sitting in bed.  We had to run our laptop power across the floor for the bed closest to the bathroom.

The bathroom offered unusual items like cotton balls and Q-Tips.  The hand soap was wonderful.  My daugther loved the shower.  When I took a shower I loved the overhead spray but  I noticed no soap bar.  We could only find a body wash.  I had to ask my daughter and wife what to do as real men do not use body wash.  Women use body wash.  There was one bar of soap in the sink area so I chose to use the body wash to try this girly girl method out but we were only given one wash cloth which my daughter already used.

To ensure modesty, I had to enter the commode shower room and close the pocket door to undress.  I took my pajamas into the room but there were no hooks so I had  to lay clothing on top of the commode.  Speaking of the commode, the toilet paper roll was mounted so far back it seemed a chiropractor looking for future business installed it.

My main complaint is the add on charges.  It costs extra to use the fitness center and to get Internet service.

My daughter was with my wife and I so we needed three towels.  My daughter called house service and within 10 minutes three bath towels were delivered to our room.  One of the towels was a bit moist which tells me that laundry is probably running just ahead of demand.  Let me tell you about the towels.  These towels will not be stolen.  My first impression that there was a mistake and the ‘towel” I had in my hand was a floor mat but when I compared to the other “towels” they were all the same.  What is really cool about those towels is they seem be capable to remove the epidermis and might diminish acne.

We noticed that when the people in the room on the other side of our head side of the bed ran the shower, the noise indicated that their shower was on the other side of the wall, quite loud.  Have you ever been in a hotel room and early in the morning a person or persons in an adjoining room get ready to leave and their preparations are easily heard in your room?  This was a definite minus point for me.  The builders should have put up double walls.  I noticed that the shower valve washer was loose and vibrated like a 50 pound humming bird which made for a really interesting duality of sound effect of water swoosh and hum, both quite loud and would be hard to sleep through.  I just hope the neighbors sleep in late every morning.

The air conditioner worked at a sound level that I think is normal.  Because I slept closes to it, and I wish it had been a bit quieter.   I must confess that when I have any difficulty going to sleep, even at home, I sometimes fantasize that I am some where else, in a cave, in a tree house, in a tent.  This air conditioner makes the perfect noise for being on a space ship, a low background propulsion sound.  I think I will travel by space ship tonight.

Is it too much to ask for a hotel, resort and motel to count the number of people who will occupy a room and supply the corresponding number of wash cloths, towels, glasses, mugs, etc.?  Paradise Point is just typical of the industry in this regard.  It seems that there is a industry method for daily activity for housekeeping which might not might not dovetail properly to the needs of the customer.   I just keep forgetting to make the request when we arrive at the front desk to supply the same number of towels, glasses, and wash clothes that there are in the room.

The scores this resort gets, which are quite high, must come from the jungle like ambiance, large rooms, the fact that one is at a resort with a lot of features, attractions and good staff.

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