Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.
Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.
The book reviews that appear here will cover a LOT of different subjects.
Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.
It is quit normal to want things your way. It is a bit more sophisticated to listen to other people’s ideas and wishes and take them into consideration to measure both your ideas with other people’s. Fascists are typically politicians and individuals who are self centered and want to promote their own selfish gains to achieve rewards at the expense of the broader society. Fascism seems to be a bit more exciting than the workings of Democracy, thus the attraction…
I have a really bad habit of buying books that I never read. The one most recent exception to this failing is my most recent purchase. I discovered this book by listening to this pod cast: How “We the People” Can Take Back the Supreme Court. The above podcast touted a book that I rushed out and purchased: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America by Thom Hartmann. Only soft cover. I can not find…
Any copy store like Staples has a brief window where they could offer to print the book at a really good price. This just might be a clever promotion to get customers into their stores, a loss leader.
The best solution for me was actually free. The embarrassing part is that it was right in front of me. Adobe offers terrific tutorials,
I found that this book hard to put down for some really unusual reasons. On the one hand it was written in a dreary style and on the other it held a view that was very different and included information that was somewhat surprising.