Book Review: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America By Thom Hartmann

Book Review: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America By Thom Hartmann

I have a really bad habit of buying books that I never read. The one most recent exception to this failing is my most recent purchase. I discovered this book by listening to this pod cast: How “We the People” Can Take Back the Supreme Court.

The above podcast touted a book that I rushed out and purchased:
The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America by Thom Hartmann. Only soft cover. I can not find hard cover. $15.

I can not put the book down. The book, I think, is less than 180 pages.

  • For those individuals who love book scores, I give this book a 5 out of 5 mainly for the importance of the content and the completeness of presenting this legal case for us to examine and judge it’s merits.
  • It covers history. I have learned quite a bit of history that was glossed over in school or I was not paying attention.
  • It educates us about how our government is expected to function and fails to work properly for the people in areas where the plutocracy has seized control.
  • The book’s purpose is shocking in it’s portrayal of the scope of this somewhat secret crime upon this nation. My point here is this book examines this crime in a very compelling way.
  • I hate books that are padded. This book gets to the point after point. There is very little extraneous wording.
  • This book is damn important because it educates the American public as to how we are loosing our democracy through bureaucratic trickery. Now that we know, what are we going to do about it?
  • The book is exhaustive in making an iron clad case that this rather secret agenda started a long time ago and is in progress now.
  • I keep hearing how segments of our population no longer think this political system works for them. I now see their reasons way more clearly.
  • This is a damn important book for all Americans to read so they better understand how our destiny is sliding into the toilet.



Posted October 28, 2019

One thought on “Book Review: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America By Thom Hartmann

  1. I’ve moved from despair over not being able to get the goods on Trump to despair over the Republicans and people who don’t want him impeached in the face of ALL the IRREFUTABLE evidence of multiple illegal and impeachable offenses we now have. Sometimes I just get angry and say to myself that THEY don’t deserve Democracy, but of course they take us all down with them!
    So, I keep fighting- lots of voter reg. and canvassing ed. lately.
    Let me know what’s up with you.

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