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Category: Opinion

Some Reasons Follow, Why Trump Was A Lousy Choice For Being President

Some Reasons Follow, Why Trump Was A Lousy Choice For Being President

This entry is part 22 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

I was in shock that Donald Trump was chosen to be our next president!  As a blogger, I needed to research how this happened, when such a vast list of reasons already exited that should disqualify him.  The list of reasons that Trump should never again make it to be president are beyond significant!   The main reason seems to be that the general voting public are flawed in some ways.  let’s. list some as reported: President Trump has said…

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The Possible Future Meanings For MAGA.

The Possible Future Meanings For MAGA.

This entry is part 21 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

I found that Donald Trump having come up with Make America Great Again or MAGA was extremely clever and powerful.   It even morphed into a rather mighty  shield and weapon for Trump because it even created a large group of people who adhere to Trump’s beliefs.  Having casually researched the life of Trump, I immediately understood that he was not going to be the person to make a positive outcome, of making America Great Again, happen.  Instead, we should expect…

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Shared Private Text Messages.

Shared Private Text Messages.

Friend: “I sure hope Dems are reaching out consistently to ALL the way Trump’s org. is and has been doing.  I’m really afraid that the misinformation and lies are so rampant and widespread (they’re going full force) that even those who you’d think would be smart enough to know who gets fooled, like some of friends who are nurses, teachers, and other professionals.  IT IS REALLY REALLY BAD! ”   “There are so many lies out there spreading about Harris…

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