Shared Private Text Messages.

Shared Private Text Messages.

“I sure hope Dems are reaching out consistently to ALL the way Trump’s org. is and has been doing.  I’m really afraid that the misinformation and lies are so rampant and widespread (they’re going full force) that even those who you’d think would be smart enough to know who gets fooled, like some of friends who are nurses, teachers, and other professionals.  IT IS REALLY REALLY BAD! ”  
“There are so many lies out there spreading about Harris as a person as well & not just about her proposals; UNBELIEVABLE!”
“I TOTALLY AGREE!  Perpetrators of the lies, in part is are the owners of FOX and Sinclair Broadcasting.  The owners of those stations should be prosecuted.  Under 18 U.S. Code § 373, a person can be imprisoned for soliciting someone to commit a crime of violence.”
“And the E Musk with his wealth giving out money.”
“Still Dems don’t have the balls to go publicly correcting the lies.  I’m sure you’ve read a ton of lies & misinformation that the public believes!”
“What can you do; even some of your friends totally believe them?”
“Maybe a good part of this problem is that a LOT of people choose to get their information from really flawed sources. I am beginning to believe that a lot of people are racists and already have a biased view before they hear even from good news sources. Bigotry is allowing yourself to feel superior at the expense of others by lowering others below you – just ego building stupidity.”
“I think you’re right! SAD!”
Posted November 4, 2024
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