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Category: Philosophy and Religion

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Evangelicals Pro Life Stance vs President Trump’s Inaction

Evangelicals Pro Life Stance vs President Trump’s Inaction

Opinion A lot of politics is dealing with values of one group and trade offs against another group.  Not only politicians but also the American public have to deal with weighing the interests of one group and maybe not another group. Let us take brief snapshots of past and current political actions of national party members and their followers and possibly reveal the advantage for some but hurt, if any, for the “other” group. The evangelicals believe in pro-life or…

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Voice from the past that might illuminate the present: Plato : APOLOGY OF SOCRATES “O my friend, why do you who are a citizen of the great and mighty and wise city of Athens, care so much about laying up the greatest amount of money and honor and reputation, and so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul, which you never regard or heed at all? Are you not ashamed of this? “ Today’s  word…

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Mythology vs Science

Mythology vs Science

How does one evaluate the truthfulness, the correctness of a philosophical view? Let me propose to you that science, because it is based on a rigorous investigation using empirical methods that actually attempt to answer questions without bias is the correct method.

The Problem With Religion

The Problem With Religion

There is quite a full range for believing and promoting the importance of organized religion from non participation with total lack of concern along with atheism at one extreme and fervent adherence to a religion at the other extreme. What should be realized by all is that religion is a comfort mechanism. It is not an absolute. It is in the mind and not based in any reality except when the mind thinks it is so.

The compass of life

The compass of life

Zhenren: Can you explain the compass of life with more detail Selene: Each person possess a compass.  The compass is not a compass you hold in your hand but a process of bringing together a lot of intellectual components to make a good mind decision.  Some personal compasses are better in one person than another.  A good compass necessitates intellect so you can think about all the possibilities and reason out options.  A good compass comes from life experience to…

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