Evangelicals Pro Life Stance vs President Trump’s Inaction

Evangelicals Pro Life Stance vs President Trump’s Inaction


A lot of politics is dealing with values of one group and trade offs against another group.  Not only politicians but also the American public have to deal with weighing the interests of one group and maybe not another group.

Let us take brief snapshots of past and current political actions of national party members and their followers and possibly reveal the advantage for some but hurt, if any, for the “other” group.

The evangelicals believe in pro-life or banning abortions.   The reason?  To support the right to life of the unborn child.  This same group support Donald Trump who has allegedly failed to protect thousands of American citizens by his alleged incompetence at helping to fight the pandemic.  So we save how many expected babies come to life from the possible actions of a political group?   And then we see older people die, up to 120,000 from Trump’s inaction. 

Do you see the contradiction for the evangelicals that they support life and also death?



Posted September 22, 2020

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