UCSB Starts Employee Exit Interviews.

UCSB Starts Employee Exit Interviews.

It has been this web site’s policy to promote exit interviews. We received a copy of this e-mail sent to all UCSB campus employees. We applaud this effort by University of California at Santa Barbara. We wish more public and private institutions would require this process

E-mail sent to us follows:

May 14, 2008

TO: Campus Community
From: … Human Resources

RE: Exit Interview for Separated Career Employees

UCSB is committed to being an outstanding employer!
In an effort to evaluate and improve our employer-employee
relationships, we are interested in getting feedback from career
employees who have separated from UCSB. To encourage open
and candid feedback we have contracted with a company called
The Work Institute (TWI) to conduct telephone exit interviews.
This business partner has been selected because of their
reputation for confidentiality and professionalism. They are
contractually obligated not to reveal identifying data of the
individuals they interview, and will provide only aggregate data
to UCSB. This aggregate data will help us determine the current
nature of our campus employee relations and guide us in making

If you are a career employee who is separating from University
employment in the near future, please help us by participating
in the exit interview when The Work Institute calls. The University
will not be able to identify you through your responses, and your
candid impressions will provide valuable information for us. It is
important that as many separating career employees as possible
participate in the exit interview process because a high response
rate will more genuinely reflect employees’ experience at UCSB.

We will be sending out more information to departments in the
immediate future. Please contact … in Human Resources with any
questions or concerns you may have about the exit interview
process. Further information about The Work Institute is available
at <http://www.workinstitute.com>.

Thank you in advance for helping us make UCSB an even better
place in which to work!

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