Amazon Associates Program

Amazon Associates Program

A few months before September, 2017, I joined the Amazon Associates Program where I hope to get paid for my web site visitors clicking on advertisements and making purchases.  I was looking to help cover my web site expenses.  (Below, I added bold and underline to emphasize some text).

September 26, 2017


Thank you for your interest in the Amazon Associates Program.

We have completed our review of your application to the Amazon Associates Program, which included a visit to the registered websites on your application. Unfortunately you are not in compliance with the Operating Agreement that governs your participation in the Associates Program.

We noticed that you codified prices into your website.

Product prices and availability may vary from time to time. Because prices for and availability of Products that you have listed on your Site may change, your Site may only show prices and availability if: a we serve the link in which that price and availability data are displayed, or b you obtain Product pricing and availability data via the PA-API and you comply with the requirements regarding use of the PA-API.
We do not allow hard-coding of prices. We are therefore unable to approve your application. Accordingly, we have closed the account under which you had been temporarily approved.


My offense was to include prices that I paid for this and that item in some posts so my readers could get an idea of the project cost.

My response:  I do not appreciate nor will allow anyone telling me how to write my blog posts.   This example above, allegedly, might be another example of a corporation trying to control news.

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