Adobe Creative Suite CS4

Adobe Creative Suite CS4

I love the Adobe suite of products for the web.  It costs a lot of money but Dreamweaver and Photoshop really are most professional and one saves money, sometimes, by buying more than one software in a bundle.  I even have accepted Bridge even though it seems a bit awkward.  My infatuation was put to the test with the most recent upgrade, CS4.  The installation went swell until I noticed that Dreamweaver failed to install.  Of all the products in the suite, Dreamweaver is the most important for me.   No error message appeared, when I installed, except that that choice of application installation was dimmed at the start of the installation process.  Until this inexcusable error is corrected, I can not recommend this product.  It appears to me that the product installation is allegedly incompetently written.

Follow up 8/30/09

I found that Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional, a part of the CS4 suite failed.  I found the following web site where a whole list of issues were “exposed”:  I printed out the instructions and it came to 13 pages!  If Adobe could do things right, we would not be killing as many trees.

Ok, here we go.  Following instruction number one, I am to find the Adobe Licensing Repair Tool.  Here is the link:   I printed this page out which now makes my “kill tree” total to 14 pages.  I see a link at the bottom of the page which sends me to this web page:  They want me to read a license agreement.  At the bottom of that page are separate links to Windows and Mac repair tools to download.  I am now on my umpteen cup of tea plowing through this never ending problem.  The “repair” software download went rather quick.  I now have a new file on my computer desktop called LIcenseRecovery11.5.0.9.  It opens up and a number of folders appear along with an application called “”.  Well, it takes its sweet time “Finding software” on my laptop.  Next I see the screen show downloading Rosetta…  Then I see Installing 1 item.  The program quits.  Guess I need to go back to the cheat sheet to see what I need to do next.  The cheat sheet tells me to “Enter your administrator username and password when prompted and click OK.”  Excuse me but no application loaded for me to do this.  Now I have to find where that little pesky progam went during the installation.  Well it was not found on the desktop.  It was not found in Applications.  I give up.  I start the process over again by clicking on the file “  Whow, Terminal pops up

Last login: Sun Aug 30 15:27:26 on console
McLarenblog-MacBook-Pro-3:~ mclaren$ sudo python ‘/Volumes/LicenseRecovery11.5.0.9/’

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type “man sudo” for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.


The instructions on the cheat sheet tells me to “Enter your administrator username and password when prompted and click OK.”   That is a bit wierd.  The program asks for Password first.  I try this first and it takes the second time.  I then get this screen:

Trusted Storage Recovery Script v1.0.9

Please choose a language:

e: English
j: Japanese (???)

>: e
I hit return after typing in “e”.

Trusted Storage Recovery Script v1.0.9

Please choose a language:

e: English
j: Japanese (???)

>: e


WARNING: Run at your own risk and make sure that ALL Adobe
products are closed and not running before you proceed further.

This tool has been developed to upgrade the licensing service
and repair a license file for Adobe Acrobat 8 and 9, and
Creative Suite 3 and 4 products.

Do you wish to cancel at this time so you can close any
open applications? [y/n]:

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