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Tag: Supreme Court

The “Supreme” Court Allegedly Violated The US Declaration of Independence.

The “Supreme” Court Allegedly Violated The US Declaration of Independence.

Supreme Court upholds President Trump’s travel ban against majority-Muslim countries There are a number of apparent errors in this decision. These errors will be listed: #1 The first problem with this decision is that the Supreme Court decision dips into the political weeds and violates a way more overriding value. The important value I am referring to is the Declaration of Independence where it is stated that “… all men are created equal …”. This should also mean that there…

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Its The People, Not Congress That Promote Disfunction.

Its The People, Not Congress That Promote Disfunction.

The US Congress approval rating is extremely low.  As of August 28th 2013 the approval ranking was measured to be 15%.  The real, unmentioned, story is that the people at home who voted these congress people into office are really to blame.  It is the people in the heart land of the United States, the red states that seem to be rather dim for a whole host of reasons.  The oligarchs use of political action groups like the Tea Party…

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Game Of Dominoes

Game Of Dominoes

The supreme court decision that allegedly took the 2000 year presidential election out of the hands of the sovereign power, the people, and was wrestled away by that very body expected to protect the Constitution and in so doing took the responsibility of the fate of the country away from the people.  The unthinkable happened; the decision was made by the very judges hired to uphold the letter and intent of the Constitution.  The Constitution placed sovereign power firmly into…

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