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Tag: Supreme Court

Alleged Supreme Court Corruption

Alleged Supreme Court Corruption

There are a couple of legal principles that are to be considered by the United States Congress as guidelines when they make legislation for making a government agency and composing the extent that the agency is allowed to function.   You can view in you mind a government agency being created much like any business.  The business is created by congress but the conduct of that business has been told what is is intended to work toward and hopefully achieve…

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Sedition Of January 6, 2021 – Some Surprising Issues Revealed

Sedition Of January 6, 2021 – Some Surprising Issues Revealed

This entry is part 4 of 22 in the series Donald Trump

The January 6, 2021, attack on Congress really revealed what maybe the most singular reason our nation is divided because white people feel they are being outnumbered leading to beliefs and resulting fears of loosing power and control leading to efforts to cement white supremacy into our nation. 

Book Review: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America By Thom Hartmann

Book Review: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America By Thom Hartmann

I have a really bad habit of buying books that I never read. The one most recent exception to this failing is my most recent purchase. I discovered this book by listening to this pod cast: How “We the People” Can Take Back the Supreme Court. The above podcast touted a book that I rushed out and purchased: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America by Thom Hartmann. Only soft cover. I can not find…

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New Name For The US “Supreme” Court.

New Name For The US “Supreme” Court.

This blog has used, for years, the name for the United States ‘Supreme’ Court by putting the word supreme in quotes indicating that it is not supreme because it favors the rich and powerful over the common people.  It has not been the people’s court for a very long time and the situation is getting worse.  If Brett Kavanaugh is appointed to the court then this blog will change the naming of that court to Supreme Plutocracy Court to reflect it’s…

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Why Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.

Why Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.

Brett Kavanaugh appears to favor the interests of large corporations over the interests of the common man and women. He appears to not support the definition of democracy, the interests of the whole population over the interests of large corporations.  This fact can be found in his decision against net neutrality where he stated that net neutrality regulations were unlawful and infringes on the Internet service providers. Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers treat all data on…

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