Collective Intelligence May Have Saved 2012 Election

Collective Intelligence May Have Saved 2012 Election

Prior to the 2012 presidential election I had written some blog articles that were pretty critical of some individual’s intellectual process for supporting a candidate. party and party platform.  I had been following the political happenings prior to the election and my perception was this election was going to be close.  Me and my friends were even scared that Romney would win and set our county back into more oligarch control.  I was vastly surprised, almost shocked, at the election results.  I still can not believe that the electorate figured it out pretty well.  I still stand by my prior blog posts that many individuals have a single issue or two that really is important to them.  My problem with this approach, in my mind, is politics comprises a lot of issues and I think it to be a better choice to measure as many as you can and then draw a broader conclusion.  Well that is simply not going to happen.  People are really drawn into just one or two political issues.  But then, what did happen in this past election?  My only conclusion is there must be a collective intelligence.  If we take all the one and two issue people and put them all together, the issues that each finds important would naturally differ.  If each person was pretty good at figuring out what was the best outcome to pursue for “their” issue then might we then have a pretty good collective intelligence?   I am still toying with this as an explanation because I am out of any other ideas.

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