Comet SBB2 Dual Band Antenna: 146/446 MHz Review

Comet SBB2 Dual Band Antenna: 146/446 MHz Review

This review is for ham radio licensed individuals:

Like an idiot, I assumed the Comet SBB2 antenna was resonant for 2 meters when I purchased it.  The package shows “146/446MHz”.  After having this antenna for years, I decided to test it with my MFJ HF/VHF SWR Analyzer, model MFJ-249.  The results were awful.  My MFJ unit only tests 2 meters and not 440.   The 2 meter test results shows the antenna to be resonant close to 160 MHz.  I have two of these antennas.  By looking at the two antennas, it was obvious that I had one older and one newer version.   Both antennas gave the same results.  The SWR reading was in the red for 2 meter operation.  This antenna has Allen wrench locking screws that makes one believe this antenna can be tuned.  I could not adjust this antenna.  Comet should do a recall or offer a repair kit.  Not Recommended.

I really recommend the Comet SBB5.  It is almost double the length of the SBB2 but my SWR analyzer showed a near perfect SWR for 2 meters.  Recommended.

I hope to soon buy a MFJ SWR tester that will cover 440 and update this report for that band.

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