Dr. Kit Kat Dialysis Procedure Movie Reviews

Dr. Kit Kat Dialysis Procedure Movie Reviews

I befriended a young lady at the club I work out at.  Our conversation began because she brought to the club Kit Kat candy, which I spotted while she was on a treadmill.  I will refer to her as Dr. Kit Kat for the purpose of these reviews.  While at medical school at Ohio State University she contracted hepatitis.  She was given a shot to protect against hepatitis prior to coming down with the disease.  The shot failed to protect; she contracted a rare form of the disease and finally suffered kidney failure.  She goes to dialysis three times a week.  Her existence, due to this illness, has dumbed down to a simple restrictive regimen.  The food she is allowed to eat is heavily restricted.  She thus likes to watch the food channel on TV.  She cannot travel because she is tied to the dialysis machine.  She thus likes to watch the travel channel on TV.  After dialysis she feels terrible.  In an attempt to raise her spirits a bit, I have lent her DVD movies.    I love to buy really good $5 movies.  It is somewhat curious that the rating of movies for her and probably other dialysis patients are skewed differently.  Because they are undergoing such a powerful downward spiral medical procedure, parameters for these people change somewhat.  A movie must shout a bit more loudly with attributes that the rest of us mildly appreciate.  We will share with you her movie scores and out of her comments you might begin to see that movie scores do shift a bit.  When you see quotes around text, this typically is her precise review sent to us by Facebook or e-mail.  When you see no quotes, this means we attempted to describe her review by conversations we had with Dr. Kit Kat.

Note: This project started November 2009.  Each week we expect to add one or two reviews to this posting.


Basic 2003, Score: 9.  Dr. Kit Kat said this film was intelligent, action packed, multiple twists all contribute to this movie keeping one’s mind off of the drudge of the dialysis.  [Score Card found this quite interesting as this movie seems to have flown under a lot of radar screens].

Valkyrie Score 9  “This is an action-packed drama based on the true story of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg’s plight to assassinate Adolf Hilter. Tom Cruise delivers depth and intensity of character while creating suspense and excitement throughout the story line. It was refreshing to view Tom Cruise’s multifaceted talent in this atypical role. Finally, a movie not needing superfluous special effects and indecent language to be entertaining! I rate this movie a 9 (mainly because I like Tom Cruise).”


Regular Move Reviews:

27 Dresses Score 6.  Dr. Kit Kat said that one could fall asleep any time and wake up and not loose a place in the action.

Under Suspicion Score: 6  Dr. Kit Kat did not like the subject matter of pedophile.  The ending was clever and raised the score a bit.

Walace & Gromit The Course Of The Were-Rabbit.  Score 3.  Dr. Kit Kat only gave this really clever and extremely well done animation a low score.  She was not into animation.

The facility where Dr. Kit Kat undergoes dialysis checked on the movie which she brought in, Red Dragon, and found it to have an R rating.  It seems that some time ago a patient complained of seeing an R rated movie being displayed on one of the TV screens.  This unfortunately has resulted in a “punish all”.  A “punish all” is when everyone must suffer because of an alleged screw up by, usually, one individual.  This type of “logic” typically defies common sense.  Its use is typically found in institutions that just love to make sweeping stupid policies and justify it, link it, to stupid simple mistakes by a one or a few individuals.   The “stupid”, in this case, is that these patients are undergoing a pretty dire procedure and you would think that any meaningful diversion would be welcome.  These people may need R ratings, not only PG!  Now you would think a company that is in the business of administering dialysis would get this line of reasoning but, allegedly, they have a disconnect in their logic, apparently incapable of compassion toward their customers.  The dialysis company did offered to show the move Flicka.

We are advising Dr. Kit Kat to take her laptop to dialysis and view the R rated movies on that device.  If this works for her, we will continue our movie reviews.

I met with Dr. Kit Kat November 15 at the health club where we both work out.  She came up with a terrific idea.  Why not put the R rated movie into a PG case?  That night I found an empty case, Because I Said So, a PG-13 movie, and will hand that over to Dr. Kit Kat and put Red Dragon inside.

I Robot “I rate it an 8. The movie plot and Will Smith provided consistent action, although I wish they would have developed the character Sunny more.  He was a likable robot.  There was some feeble yet worthwhile attempts of historic symbolism near the end of the movie, but nothing too profound.”

Bad Company Rate of 6  ” It was action-packed bad acting in part of Chris Rock. Although Chris Rock may be a good stand up comedian, his talent did not transfer to his acting ability. Will Smith or Eddie Murphy may have saved this movie. The movie’s plot was cliche and predictable, but lightly entertaining. I rate it a 6 (mainly because Chris Rock’s one-liner punch lines throughout the film were annoying).”

Star Trek 2009  Score 7  “The new movie release of “Star Trek” is a prologue of many more “trekkie” sequels to come. It presents an updated and refreshing cast of the original Star Trek characters as well as a cameo of Leanard Nemoy playing an older Mr. Spock. The movie starts from the very beginning with the birth of Captain Kirk and the evolution of the union of the Enterprise crew. Although the plot and the ultimate ending were predictable, the action scenes and special effects were lightly entertaining. If I were a “Trekkie” I would rate this an 8, since it’s enjoying the movie’s journey rather than the destiny that counts. Being a non-“Trekkie ” I rate this a 7.

Valkyrie Score 9  “This is an action-packed drama based on the true story of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg’s plight to assassinate Adolf Hilter. Tom Cruise delivers depth and intensity of character while creating suspense and excitement throughout the story line. It was refreshing to view Tom Cruise’s multifaceted talent in this atypical role. Finally, a movie not needing superfluous special effects and indecent language to be entertaining! I rate this movie a 9 (mainly because I like Tom Cruise).”

Wild Wild West Score 1  “with Will Smith and Kevin Kline was Real Real Bad!  The remake of the popular 1970’s TV drama was a disappointing and sleeper attempt to revive the characters, action, and comedy of the original show.  The best part of the movie was the ending–that is , the movie was finally over!  It is not even recommended for background noise.  I had to read my medical journals during the movie in order to get through it!  I generously rate it 1.”

Score Card:  I found this move to be a delight.  For the life of me I find it difficult why Dr. Kit Kat did not like this movie.  Dr. Kit Kat likes intellectual entertainment and this movie has very little of that component.  I would rate it a 5.

Dr. Kit Kat passed away in the year 2014 from her medical condition.  Her parents and brother are still living.  I will miss her.

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