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Tag: Under Suspicion

Dr. Kit Kat Dialysis Procedure Movie Reviews

Dr. Kit Kat Dialysis Procedure Movie Reviews

I befriended a young lady at the club I work out at.  Our conversation began because she brought to the club Kit Kat candy, which I spotted while she was on a treadmill.  I will refer to her as Dr. Kit Kat for the purpose of these reviews.  While at medical school at Ohio State University she contracted hepatitis.  She was given a shot to protect against hepatitis prior to coming down with the disease.  The shot failed to protect;…

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Under Suspicion

Under Suspicion

Under Suspicion I really prefer action drama movies so approving this movie is an attribute of sorts.  As I watched this movie I kept thinking that the script was targeted for the live stage as the location changes were infrequent and the dialog was superb.  The interplay between just a few actors was live stage to me.  Put another way, the script was just a delight, a wonder.  My second thought of this movie was how wonderful the director did. …

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