NBC Olympics 2012 TV Coverage

NBC Olympics 2012 TV Coverage

The technical and production aspects of NBC 2012 Olympics coverage was most impressive – very professional.  But, the dunderheads that set the programming schedule were way deficient if not dragging their knuckles across the floor.  I could not see any reason to wait until 8PM to view “live” coverage (West coast California).  We all know by now that live means “live” for NBC because of their insisting on providing tape delay.  I equate tape delay as “cover your ass” ploy to make it right, not screw up, edit in post, prior to sending it out over the “air”.  I really care less about delay than I care about having to wait after 5PM to 8PM for “live” coverage to be provided.  One night I turned my TV turn on for 8PM Olympic coverage only to find some interview show instead of a “live” event.  It seems to me that the higher up you go on the corporate ladder the less connection management is with customer needs.  Then you read that these corporate numb sculls get fabulous pay and perks for what?   Once again, I applaud the technical staff for a job well done but the people who set the schedule did really drag down the reputation of NBC for me.

Note: While channel checking in anger over flawed NBC Olympic event coverage, I did discover HBO Newsroom.  What a terrific show.  Thank you NBC for screwing up so I could make lemon aid out of your lemon programming.

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