Open letter to Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz – by Ani Zonneveld

Open letter to Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz – by Ani Zonneveld

Ani Zonneveld sent an open letter to the current Saudi King.  She “has correctly highlighted Saudi Wahabism as a major source of extremism and the foundations for terrorist groups like ISIS.

Some items she mentions in her letter:

The Quran liberated women from subhuman status, gave us rights to choose whom to marry, to work, to be in leadership positions and to ultimately live in full dignity.

There is nothing Islamic about the way many countries in the Muslim world are run today.

The Muslim world remains corrupted by power and money, the very dynamic Muhammad spoke against.

To read the complete open letter, [ The letter link was removed for some reason.  We are trying to replace it by contacting the author.].

She is appealing to a medieval Saudi monarch who’s one and only pursuit is self preservation of the oligarch ruling class.    The Saudi monarchy abhors democracy.  It works quite well for the rulers of Saudi Arabia to use religion to control its people.  It would take a remarkable man to measure what she says as the truth.  Truth has little value in the minds the oppressors.

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