Syria Revolution May Require Tyrannicide

Syria Revolution May Require Tyrannicide

How many people must die to awaken your political sensitivities?

Please ask yourself to what degree do you value humane life?   Apply a hypothetical test as follows:

  1. Ask yourself how many people does it take to put up a stop sign at an intersection where people have died as a result of traffic accidents?
  2. Ask yourself how may people need to die before a particular drug that has been found to kill is removed from the store shelves?
  3. Ask yourself how many children need to die from contaminated drinking water before it needs to be remedied or replaced?
  4. Ask yourself how many people need to die before a politician who kills his own people is removed?

Current Syrian status [February 23, 2012]:

  • Syrian people killed: 1,200 to 3,000 (estimated)
  • News reporters killed: 10
  • Syrian military defected: 10,000 (estimated) [Note: The Syrian military has about 296,800 active personnel and 354,000 reserves.

We call for the removal, by any means, of Bashar Assad and his cronies.  We further call for evidence to be compiled from all sources including refugees forced to flee Syria to determine a case for war crimes against any member of the political, judicial, police, and military personnel of that country.  We further call for reparations be paid to individuals and businesses that were harmed by this alleged genocide taking place in Syria.

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