United Airlines Domestic USA Flights

United Airlines Domestic USA Flights

First leg of a recent family trip to Europe was with United Airlines.  We started at LAX for the first leg of the trip arriving in Huston.  For me, it was appallingly bad.  United packed people into the plane like sardines.  There was inadequate space in all directions.  The seats were small and very close to one another.  The aisle down the center of the plane was even way too narrow.  I had no problem with the crew, just the decision to show such low respect for the customer.  It was so bad that I never wanted to take a vacation to Europe again.  It then dawned on me that United was working against its best long term interests by turing people off from flying.  It seemed United decided to disparage its own industry at the expense of profits.  People have to fly to speed up their trip excursions.  Flying is necessary over the oceans, again for people who wish to get tho their destinations quickly.  You could take a boat but that is way too slow for most people.  The airline industry seems to take advantage of their being able to get you to your destination quickly, keeping air fairs low at the expense of adequate amenities like leg room, seat size, etc.  It seems like the airlines may have purposely made the personal space difficulty so they can make more money for what is adequate.  What is adequate can be argued over and this gray area gives United an excuse of sorts.  Airlines do offer you more leg room but you have to pay for it.  How about this.   Why not offer ADEQUATE personal space for each customer as the norm?  My point is that United allegedly has moved the adequate seating space norm to a new low, in order to squeeze more profit out of its customers and in so doing created a failed industry by hoisting profit over customer care.

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