Why It Is Not Wise To Say “Islamic Terrorism”.

Why It Is Not Wise To Say “Islamic Terrorism”.

It has come up in the conservative press and some dim witted Republican politicians that the Obama administration fails to use the term “Islamic terrorism”.  The right wing neocons love to pound their chests and think war is honorable so long as it is some others son who dies.  It seems the height of hypocrisy that anyone should promote going to war when it usually is some other person who will die.  War is the failure of negotiation and diplomacy, it is said.  The right wing conservatives it seems have a low IQ level so if you are in that category, let me tell you the logic for not specifying “Islamic terrorism”.  A darn good reason is that ISIS makes some claims that help it gain recruits and die hard followers.  Put simply for my Republican friends, they gain members if it is perceived that Islam is under attack.  For the president of the United States to use the term “Islamic terrorism” seems to paint all individuals who practice Islam as being a terrorist.  The ISIS people then can claim that the United States is against Islam and wishes it to be destroyed as a religion.  Now for my dumb Republican friends, would that wording play into the hands of ISIS?  You bet is would.  Let me express this in terms that the NRA gun luggers who seem to populate the Republican party might understand.  By the president of the United States saying “Islamic terrorism” puts another scum bag out there for the American military to fight if we go to war with ISIS.  If the Republican party insists in using the term “Islamic terrorism” we have more enemy to fight which would be incredibly stupid.  I hold little hope because Republicans cherry pick their arguments. They fail to take the time to walk around the problem to gain more facts and see more sides of any problem.  Please try to view this from the enemy’s perspective if you can.

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