World Of Warcraft Billing Problem

World Of Warcraft Billing Problem

My past reviews of World of Warcraft has rated this game very high.  As I find with a lot of very large companies, as they grow larger they get less customer friendly.  I recently found out that my WOW account credit card information became inaccurate because my credit union issued me a new card and they change some of the account digits and the account expiration date.   I was notified by Blizzard that my card was no longer working and gave me a web site link to update the card information.  The link did not target my account information but was a generic World of Warcraft Battlenet log in web page.    I selected the account that was having problems and was taken to a page that said my game was frozen and it also showed that World of Warcraft Remote was unsubscribed.  I went to Account Settings at the top of the page and chose Payment Options.  I then changed my credit card information.  I noticed a message to the side of the page:

“To manage World of Warcraft subscription fees and paid services, return to the Account Management homepage and click on the World of Warcraft license that you wish to manage.”

I went to the page specified and only found one option and that was to set up a whole new game subscription.  You go to be kidding me.  Every other subscription service that I use, notifies me that my card will not work in so many days or months and to please update the credit card in advance of expiration.  Every other subscription service allows me to update my credit card information in a direct friendly manner.  My e-mail account for this product showed no warnings that my credit card was to time out with this subscription.  What is going on with WOW?

I submitted a ticket.

I later (June 30, 2012) received a notification that my ticket “has been successfully created”.   A most interesting part of the message reads as follows:

You can view your ticket details and check its status by clicking the link below:

If you can’t click the link above, copy and paste the entire URL into your browser.

As you can see from the text above, there is NO link provided.  So how am I to view the status of my ticket?  This is getting even more lame.

Much later during June 30, 2012, I received a reply to my ticket to my e-mail account.  Here is the gist of the message:

        The primary billing profile is used for our online store (also paid services) and is separate from the recurring subscription. You may need to head to your game management page for XXXXXXX and select “Set Up Game Subscription” to reactivate your account.

Oh, that is nice.  I upgraded my credit card for the on line store?  So I did have to make a new account and waste a lot of my time!   And, they added this little gem that is meant to wast even more of my time:

To reactivate your Diablo III account, and add the Tyrael’s Charger mount back to your World of Warcraft account, please contact Customer Support.

Conclusion:  WOW is a terrific game.  The business side of this company is either lame or immensely disrespectful of the customer (probably both).

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