How Did Trump Become President?

How Did Trump Become President?

A pretty interesting list of why Trump won the election can be found at the CNN web site: How did Trump Win? Here are 24 theories.

Let me cover my own list below:

The Housing Crisis:

The Obama administration “did not go all out to punish those whose malfeasance and irresponsibility blew up the financial system and economy. This sense of injustice is one reason why the US has elected the wrecking crew…” Trump.  (1)

White Evangelicals:

Evangelical support fits right in with Republican values which are in part:
“But major evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr. defend Trump and see him as an ally in the culture wars.” (2)

“White evangelicals are more than twice as likely as any other group of evangelicals to oppose government funding to combat climate change or policies to tax the wealthy.” (3)

“Fully 50 percent of white evangelicals in our survey agree that “immigrants hurt the economy”” (3)

“…white evangelicals fear losing racial status. White evangelicals’ perceptions they’re the targets of discrimination – more so than other groups …” (3)

“Never underestimate the hypocrisy of white evangelicals.” (4)

Where You Live

Looking at a map of Democratic vs Republican voters the map sort of looks like a blue book ends with a huge red center. The red Republican states are not along the east and west coast but in the center and away from large cities. (5)

Why is location apparently so significant?

One explanation is the heartland people mix way less with different ethnic populations. Heartland isolation may lead to whites in these areas feeling the immigrant populations from the coasts are encroaching into their current life style. Coastal populations have a natural influx of immigrants. Native born whites in coastal areas are typically in constant contact with individuals from other ethnic backgrounds and have become accustomed. (6)

Russia Did Swing The Election To Trump

“Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper now says the evidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin swung the election to Trump “is staggering.”” (7)

“Clint Watts, a former FBI agent, writes in his recent book, “Messing with the Enemy,” that “Russia absolutely influenced the U.S. presidential election,” especially in Michigan and Wisconsin, where Trump’s winning margin was less than 1 percent in each state.” (8)

“Without the Russian influence effort, I believe Trump would not have even been within striking distance of Clinton on Election Day.” That is the inconvenient truth the Putin Republicans won’t admit.” (8)

The 2016 Election Was Rigged

“This election was rigged.  And it needs to stop,” said Chris Carson, president of the League of Women Voters of the United States.

“A group of renowned computer scientists and lawyers have urged Hillary Clinton to challenge the election results in three key states after they gathered “evidence” to suggest the election results were potentially manipulated.”


Sort of funny, ironic, and pathetic that President Trump allegedly may have used illegal means to get elected and is using the same and similar tactics, he may have used to gain office, to remain in office.

Posted September 16, 2018
Updated December 1, 2020
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