The Democrats Should Not Impeach Trump.

The Democrats Should Not Impeach Trump.

Let me list the reasons why the Democrats should not impeach President Trump:

#1) Trump acts like a bill board for everything wrong with the Republican Party. So many people despise Trump that to remove him would make the Democratic and Republican Party appear more equal.

“The degree to which Republicans, to borrow from Exodus, have hardened their hearts against innocents, even wishing them ill, should not surprise us, but it should appall us. “

“… the Republican Party now exists for one reason, and one reason only: for the exercise of raw political power…”

The apparent reason why the Republicans only stand for gaining power is allegedly many of it’s members are bootlickers for the plutocracy class that paid to get them in office. The United States is no longer a true Democracy but is being ruled by the rich as is the case in way too many other nations. There is also a trend for nations world wide to slide toward authoritarian forms of government, more than we have already with bone spur fat boy.

#2 Pence, being the vice president, would replace Trump if he is impeached but could be as worse as Trump or way worse. “Mike Pence, who mirrors the boss (Trump) more than you realize. He’s also self-infatuated. Also a bigot. Also a liar. Also cruel.”

Revised January 11, 2019


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