Republican Party Limiting The Debt Ceiling Is An Alleged Sham.

Republican Party Limiting The Debt Ceiling Is An Alleged Sham.

It appears that the Republican Party wants to enforce a US national debt limit as a smoke screen, an excuse, to reward the wealthy.  

Here is a list of the Republican proposed budget cuts.  Most cuts help the wealthy.  Those are listed first:

Defunding the Internal Revenue Service to a very large extent allows the wealthy to cheat on their taxes.

 “… the reduced funding would mean the IRS could do less to enforce our tax laws and ensure that wealthy households pay the taxes they owe.”

Republicans want to repeal most of the tax breaks that Democrats passed last year to boost the production of clean energy. 

“Nearly a dozen of the House GOP members who introduced legislation that is now in H.R. 1 and McCarthy’s debt ceiling bill own fossil fuel industry assets in their household portfolios, with several of the bills’ authors holding hundreds of thousands of dollars worth and one holding millions of dollars in oil wells.”

It appears that the fossil fuel industry wants to expand their operations and continue to warm the planet thus ruin Earth.

“The legislation would sharply increase domestic production of oil, natural gas and coal, and ease permitting restrictions that delay pipelines, refineries and other projects.”

Part of their bill includes clawing back financial gains for disadvantaged Americans.  This makes this republican group the party of kleptocracy rulers who are willing to diminish the reputation, the standing, of the United States to achieve financial rewards for their wealthy clients by lowering their future taxes .

“House Republican Plan Gives Billions to Tax Cheats, Takes Billions from Low-Income Families.”

Cuts in “defense, veterans’ health care, child care and preschool, medical research and public health, food and drug safety inspectors, Pell Grants and college work-study, K-12 education, environmental protection, housing, and some transportation programs, among many others.”




Posted:  5-19-2023

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