Barnes & Noble Is Failing

Barnes & Noble Is Failing

I received a coupon from Barnes & Noble for a 20% off on one item.  I notice that I can use BN.Com to make the purchase, printed on the front of the coupon.  I order a Nook book but no where can I put in the discount code.  I peruse the web site and then look at the discount card sent to me in the mail.  In small print on the back of the card it states that the discount does not apply to digital content.  Now is that stupid?  The front of the card shows that I can buy one item for 20% discount using their web site.  But they fail to include a magnifying glass so I can read the small print on the back side of the card where digital content will NOT get the discount.  It is very telling when the customer can detect a business about to fail.  There are news reports that Barnes & Noble is not doing so well.  Want to guess why?  Barnes & Noble is allegedly being run into the ground by management that appears not to understand their customer needs.  Borders Book Store  failed allegedly due to top management not understanding the book business.    B&N may have the same or similar problem.

I have Nook, Amazon Kindle and iBook application readers on various devices.  I really think the Kindle reader is the best.  I will not buy from Mac due to their alleged efforts to set prices.  I now will avoid the Nook products.   I really do think the B&N brick and mortar stores are run pretty well.

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