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Category: Book Stores

Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.

Quality Information Sources Revealing Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump.

WEBSITE:   American Civil Liberties Union

How Donald Trump’s Election Lies and Other Anti-Voter Policies Will Continue to Impact Our Democracy


BOOK:  The Top 300 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Vote for Donald Trump: (even if you are a lifelong Republican)  Amazon Paperback – September 29, 2020

by Greg Geisler (Author)


WEBSITE: Common Cause

Donald Trump Should be Disqualified



Why evangelical Christians should not vote for Trump



POSTED: 7/11/2024
Updated: 7/12/2024

POSTED BY: Score Card

Consider Sending Your Library This Message

Consider Sending Your Library This Message

Library Board of Trustees, 
I heard a report that it is the policy of the city library that only books that are purchased as new will be placed on the library shelves for check out.  
I heard that books that are being received as donations and appear to look to be in excellent condition are NOT put into the library official check out stock.   
I also heard that there is an application that anyone can install on their cell phone that allows the user to scan any book to reveal it’s probable value. “You can create a full-time income by buying things like used books locally and listing them for a profit on Amazon and other online marketplaces.”   
 I also heard that some libraries may have diminished book offerings when compared to prior years.  “ Tim Coates warns that U.S. public library usage statistics show a steep decline—and he suggests that library leaders must do more to address the trend.”
Posted June 15, 2021
Failure Of Amazon Prime

Failure Of Amazon Prime

October 27, 2020, I ordered this book:  SHADOW NETWORK: MEDIA, MONEY, AND THE SECRET HUB OF THE RADICAL RIGHT by Anne Nelson, hard back.  I was under the impression that the book would arrive in just a few days.  October 29, I checked my order to find out that it had not shipped but would arrive November 26!  YIKES!  That is almost a whole month to wait for the book.  I quickly went back to peruse the Internet and made sure that my Google browser had “Shopping” selected followed by “Show only,” “Available nearby”.  Barnes and Noble showed up as having limited stock.  I called the store and they did have the book and told me to refer to their Barnes and Noble web site price which was a few dollars less.  I have a Barnes and Noble card which should also give me a discount.  In every case, up to now, Amazon delivers items I purchase within a few days but not this item.  I am paying more but I really want to read this book.

Having Trouble With Learning Math?

Having Trouble With Learning Math?

A women working at a Starbucks told me that her son was having problems with math.  I said I would try to find a book for her son that might help.   I did find a number of Internet book recommendations but none of the local used book stores or new book sellers had the books I was looking for.  My wife wanted to go to Barnes and Noble Book Store and I took that opportunity to look for what they had in stock.  They only had one book in the kids section which seemed to have good reviews and I purchased it.  I then went into the adult math book section and by chance found an astonishing math book called “Help Your Kids With Math“.    When I was very young my parents purchased an electronic theory book set that instructed the reader mainly with pictures.  Those books helped me become self taught in electronics.  I had never seen a math book teaching the reader by using images like this book.  Even though this book says it is aimed at teaching kids, I bought me a copy.  A few days later I purchased another copy for the Starbucks barista’s son.  I slipped in a letter to this by which I will show you below:

Dear xxxxx,

Your mom told me you are having difficulty in math.  I am giving you this book in the hope it helps you comprehend math in a new visual way.  Some tricks I have learned about problem solving I will now share with you.  First, do not give up.  Second, walk around the problem to view it from a different perspective.  Third, try to understand the problem using different methods.  Fourth, when facing a near impossible problem, turn it into a challenge, a contest.

Some times just going to school and listening to a teacher and reading a school text book will fail you.  Some times you need to seek out a different method if you are not understanding the material.

I am giving you this book because it offers you all of these solutions.  This book shows you all of math visually.  The book should look scary to you beyond the first few chapters.  This is because it shows you the whole math path and you are at its beginning.  Use it as a reference book.  It should help you all your life to “see” math relationships.  I have never seen this method used for math before.  I am really impressed with this book.   I have my own copy.

Why study math?  Math is a language; it is a method; it is a tool; it is a long struggle; it is tough to learn and it offers wonderful rewards when you understand it.  Because it is tough to learn, it can determine how successful you might be in some professions and how much money you will make.  For example, if you can comprehend trigonometry, you can better become a computer game designer.  If you pass calculus you can get a degree in business, engineering and science making $50,000 to $100,000 or more.  If you go further and become an actuary, you should make $150,000 to $250,000 a year.

As you can see, the math path has more rewards the further you can travel its length.  I do hope this book helps you get further.   Please remember not to give up.

Update:  3-6-19:  The web link needed to be replaced because I got a “404 Not Found”.
Barnes & Noble Internet Book Sales Inept Or Stupid?

Barnes & Noble Internet Book Sales Inept Or Stupid?

For father’s day I get a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card.  I use the Internet and order a Nook book.  I figure that during the ordering process I can input the gift card and apply that to my purchase.  Not with Banes & Noble.  Evidently you must plow through their web site to find the location where you activate your gift card FIRST.  From my past experience, I have experienced the opportunity to activate my gift card as part of the checkout process from Internet sites that seem to better understand the process.  I continually HATE Barnes & Noble Internet because they just fail to understand the customer experience.  I do like their walk in stores.  I really recommend that anyone NOT purchase B&N gift cards but rather choose Amazon.

Barnes & Noble Is Failing

Barnes & Noble Is Failing

I received a coupon from Barnes & Noble for a 20% off on one item.  I notice that I can use BN.Com to make the purchase, printed on the front of the coupon.  I order a Nook book but no where can I put in the discount code.  I peruse the web site and then look at the discount card sent to me in the mail.  In small print on the back of the card it states that the discount does not apply to digital content.  Now is that stupid?  The front of the card shows that I can buy one item for 20% discount using their web site.  But they fail to include a magnifying glass so I can read the small print on the back side of the card where digital content will NOT get the discount.  It is very telling when the customer can detect a business about to fail.  There are news reports that Barnes & Noble is not doing so well.  Want to guess why?  Barnes & Noble is allegedly being run into the ground by management that appears not to understand their customer needs.  Borders Book Store  failed allegedly due to top management not understanding the book business.    B&N may have the same or similar problem.

I have Nook, Amazon Kindle and iBook application readers on various devices.  I really think the Kindle reader is the best.  I will not buy from Mac due to their alleged efforts to set prices.  I now will avoid the Nook products.   I really do think the B&N brick and mortar stores are run pretty well.