Customer Interface Is Friendly But Slightly Flawed Process At Santiago Canyon College.

Customer Interface Is Friendly But Slightly Flawed Process At Santiago Canyon College.

Fall 2011: A student with a slight medical problem e-mailed her teachers two days before school notifying them of her problem. She had no idea she could not attend the first day of classes at Santiago Canyon College, a junior college in Orange California, due to this problem. The first day of classes she immediately e-mailed the faculty identifying the medical problem as being the reason she missed going to class. Two of the faculty, allegedly, did not read the first e-mail and gave the student’s classroom seat to other students. The faculty claimed they did not have enough time to read all their e-mail.

The Disabled Student Program and Services at Santiago Canyon College has “amazing” according to the student; helped her in proper interface with the college as best as they could.

We do rate this college extremely high for friendliness. It seems that the college president has mandated a friendly policy which is most apparent when you interact with any of the college staff and faculty. It is our opinion that this college may need to be a more lenient in dropping students so quickly with medical conditions.

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