E-Bay Not Recommended Because Payments Are LInked To PayPal
I ordered a television table top swivel mount from E-Bay. The company who I ordered the item from is BulbsOutlet. I paid with my bank credit card. A day later I get a notification that my payment went through PayPal, which I despise. The order is sent to my e-mail and includes the following: “This email confirms that you have paid Ness Electronics, Inc.” I call this company and talk to a very nice fellow who educates me. Anything you buy on E-Bay, the payment process goes through Pay-Pal. When I purchase, using my credit card, I see no reason that the transaction should go through PayPal. That ends my buying anything more from E-Bay.
Amazon is recommended.
Ebay not recommended.
PayPal not recommended.
Note: There is possibly a way to purchase an Ebay item and not go through PayPal. The transaction will go through your credit card: “How to Buy on eBay Without PayPal“