Help The United States From Slipping Into A Fascist State

Help The United States From Slipping Into A Fascist State

Help The United States From Slipping Into A Fascist State

#1 Become well informed.  Watching FOX “News”, the propaganda arm of the oligarch class and near fascist state, is not the way.  Watching MSNBC and CNN, who have pandered to this alleged flimflam president, from the start, will only be partly successful. For closer to the truth and deeper inspection, consider the following:

  • The real deep truthful view of our national politics is listening to Background Briefing with Ian Masters.  This is free, no cost.  He interviews a whole range of knowledgeable people and asks real important questions.    The podcasts are quite similar to being in college as the information you are exposed to is the truth and not the lies vomiting from the flimflam man, obfuscations from his cabinet, or the pandering slant from Republican congress.  If you find these podcasts of value, as I have, consider donating money to keep this national asset going.
  • Subscribe and read The New York Times.  This newspaper seems to have a good set of ethics and seems to want a better country.  It thus reports the lies of the flimflam man and calls him out on issues that the radio, TV and cable news shows don’t have the balls to do.
  • Subscribe and read The Economist Magazine.  I would start by buying an issue on the news stand, if you can find it, to test this approach out.  This magazine covers the whole world and only partly gives insight into the United States.  But, because the huge changes that the flimflam man is making, more of the world is being hurt and it seems more world articles come back to the flimflam politics.

#2 Support Democratic politicians when they fight against President, (alleged flimflam), Trump.  The Democrats need to get tough and nasty against the oligarch boot licking Republicans when the Republicans work against the working class.  Tell your Democratic representative to be firm and give no ground to the oligarch agenda which is corporate interests over the working class.

#3 Pressure the Republican politicians to stop the flimflam man’s agenda when it deviates from what is best for the USA.  I tried to use 5 Calls web site but the phone numbers, that showed for each congressperson, was busy.  I then went to each web site for the congressperson and used that method to send him/her an e-mail.

#4 Go to the 5 Calls web site.  The web site should explain itself.  Look at the left side of the web page and you will see a list of possible concerns that you might share.  You can now become involved.  Just select one option at a time and the web page will change to reveal action that you can take.  When I tried to make the recommended phone calls for a particular issue, I kept getting busy signals.  Do not get frustrated but realize that there are a LOT of really pissed off citizens that are taking action and choking the phone lines.



Updated September 26, 2020

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