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Tag: Donald Trump

A Rather Long List Of Reasons Not To Vote For Trump

A Rather Long List Of Reasons Not To Vote For Trump

This entry is part 11 of 11 in the series Donald Trump

The following list of reasons to not vote for Trump was pulled out of a single website article, listed next.

The full list of 100 reasons to vote NO on Trump

When I came across this website article, and I reasoned that I could not do any better.  So I picked out only some items that I felt had good reasons, valid and punch.

Please help protect the United States to remain a Democracy!   Vote Democratic.
Following is a long list of alleged reasons why Trump is unfit to be president:

  • A major league narcissist, probably a sociopath …”
  • Some “seeing him as a megalomaniac.”
  • “Some see him as delusional,…”
  • “ His position on health care reform is so vapid that it amounts to gibberish.”
  • “He is the definition of inconsistency.”
  • “ A loose cannon, who throws out outrageous positions.”
  • “Specializing in personal attacks, he insults and demeans.”
  • Trump “has a language deficit and a limited vocabulary. Some experts put his language at 6th grade level.  He specializes in incomplete sentences.”
  • “His combination of tax cuts and spending proposals would sharply increase the federal debt.”
  • “ His focus is always on doing whatever it takes to win, not on doing the right thing.”
  • “ He has disrespected multiple women in a coarse manner.”
  • “With disapproval ratings of nearly 70% of the overall electorate, he will a hard time being elected president.”
  • “He blurted in a debate that he would condone torture of terrorist suspects and the killing of their family members, both violations of international law.”
  • “Trump has trouble with math.”
  • “Trump called the North Atlanta Treaty Organization (NATO) “obsolete”.
  • “Trump uses mockery as a standard form of insult.”
  • “When he makes a big goof, he doesn’t correct it.”
  • “Some of his statements are so absurd…”
  • “ He wants to be unpredictable…”
  • “He is self-destructive.”
  • “His facts are so off as to be absurd.”
  • “He confuses reality and image…”
  • “Trump cheats at golf, big time.”
  • “His flip-flps on issues keeps growing in number.”
  • “Whether he fully intends it or not, his campaign brings out the dark side of the American electorate,…”
  • “He is sketchy on conservation and the environment.”
  • “He fear mongers on alleged American weaknesses and vulnerabilities and uses McCarthyism tactics to smear his opponents.”
  •  “Trump’s “attention span was so limited that it is impossible to discuss problems with him in any detail.”
  • “Trump is uncoachable.”
  • “Trump’s attention span is so short that it left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”
  • ““I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility that it will lead to the end of civilization.”
  • “None of the 45 economists who have advised the past eight presidents, Republican and Democrat, support Trump.” “… things could be worse. And I fear they would be under Mr. Trump.”
  • “Grossly under-prepared for the critical debate, he broke all the rules, interrupting and overriding his opponent and moderator repeatedly. His disorderly mind caused him to miss the point of questions. In short, he covers up for an undisciplined mind with bluster, repetition and theatrics.”
  • “He is oblivious to the truth”

(Keep your No-Trump reasons coming to me at this website or to

The full list of 100 reasons to vote NO on Trump




Posted 7/7/2024
Posted by Score Card

Donald Trump Score Card

Donald Trump Score Card


Following is a list of positive, negative, and questionable actions that Donald Trump reportedly and allegedly did.  This effort is to help us all better decide the value of this man to this country and if we should vote for him again.


President Donald Trump was impeached twice during his single term in office. In each case, he was acquitted on all counts by the Senate.

The first impeachment of President Donald Trump occurred on December 18, 2019.

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the second time on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired.

“In each case, he was acquitted on all counts by the Senate.”




“On January 6, 2021, many Trump supporters gathered near the White House to hear the president speak at an event known as the “Stop the Steal” rally. Trump continued to push the false claims that the election was “rigged” and that he won it. He stated that he would “never concede.” He also suggested that Vice President Pence could halt the certification of the Electoral College vote, a procedural formality that was scheduled to take place in the US Capitol building on that day.

For several hours that afternoon, a mob of Trump supporters violently invaded the US Capitol building, threatening to kill members of Congress and their staff, who hid inside. More than a hundred police officers were injured, and several rioters died—one shot by police and several from natural causes.”

Thus, Donald Trump refused to concede defeat and instead instigated an insurrection, stirring a mob that stormed the Capitol January 6 2021.

Score:  -1


Trump openly appealed to Russia to steal his opponent’s emails.
Score:  -1


Trump’s serial subservience to foreign strongmen such as Recep Tayyip Erdo?an of Turkey, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, and, of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin—none of whom act out of a sense of shared interests with the United States.
Score: -1


Trump’s dereliction of duty during the COVID-19 pandemic, which will have killed at least 400,000 Americans by the time he leaves office.
Score:  -1


Trump had sex with women not his wife.
Score: -1


“Trump administration’s National Defense Strategy stands out as one of the most important defense policy shifts of the last generation, reorienting the American military to confront rising and increasingly aggressive powers Russia and China.”

Source: t-policy-analysis-451479

Score:  +1


Trump’s Interior Department stonewalled Congressional oversight and got away with it.
Score:  -1


Trump dismantled Obama-era policies that were designed to curb abuses by for-profit colleges.
Score:  -1


“The Trump administration played a major but little-noticed role in pushing Congress to enact the most sweeping overhaul of financial crimes safeguards in decades, measures intended to stop money flowing to terrorists, drug traffickers and other wrongdoers.”


Score:  +1


“Under Trump, the Agriculture Department scaled back the $60 billion Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the food support program for low-income Americans formerly known as food stamps.” 
“The impact: 755,000 Americans have lost their access to food aid.”

Score:  -1


Trump’’s  “Labor Department finalized an overtime rule notably weaker than that issued under Obama, leaving millions of workers ineligible.”
“At least 8 million workers who would have been eligible for overtime pay under the 2016 version and now are ineligible; some estimates place the amount of wages lost at around $1 billion annually.”


Score:  -1


“The Trump administration loosened the standards oil and gas companies had to meet for how much methane — the largest chemical component of natural gas and a major heat-trapping substance — they could allow to leak out of pipelines, storage tanks and other oil field infrastructure.”


Score:  -1


“In 2018, the Trump administration for the first time attempted a Defense Department-wide audit.”


Score:  +1


“The Trump, 2017 tax bill slashed individual and corporate tax rates and made dozens of other major changes to the tax code that affected virtually every facet of the economy, from small businesses to university endowments.” 


Score:  0


“At the end of 2019, Trump signed into law carefully crafted bipartisan legislation designed to ensure phone companies would install technology to verify that calls were authentic and bolster federal enforcement powers.”


Score:  +1


Trump’s “Agriculture Department went to great lengths to quietly quash scientific research conducted by its employees or funded by government dollars, in particular research about how the agriculture industry could play a critical role in combating climate change.”

Score:  -1


“Early in 2020 the Trump administration released a big ball of rules meant to sweep aside barriers to sharing health information.”

Score:  +1


“Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress repealed transparency safeguards designed to protect hundreds of thousands of people working for companies bidding for federal contracts from sexual harassment.”

This would “required businesses to publicly disclose any sexual harassment or labor law violations over the previous three years whenever they bid on large federal contracts.”

“The impact: Federal contractors with a history of sexual harassment or other labor violations can win bids without having to reveal their problematic history.” 


Score:  0


“The Obama administration’s plan would have required automakers to improve fuel efficiency by 5 percent per year, but the Trump administration rolled those targets back to just 1.5 percent improvement each year.”


Score:  -1


 “Trump wanted to crack down on illegal immigration at the southern border, his administration also imposed tighter restrictions on legal immigration.” 


Score:  0


Trump’s administration’s approach paved the way for less stringent regulation of toxic chemicals.

Score:  -1




In August, Georgia Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, brought a sprawling RICO case against Trump and 18 codefendants, accusing them of forming an enterprise to illegally try to keep him in power despite losing the 2020 election.


Score:  Implies Trump May Be A Flawed Individual


“Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith brought an indictment against Trump in Washington, DC, federal court. The case is being overseen by US District Judge Tanya Chutkan, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, who has overseen numerous criminal trials of January 6 rioters.”

“The indictment alleges Trump and a group of yet-unindicted co-conspirators conspired to stop Congress from doing its duty to certify now-President Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the 2020 election and rob Americans of their lawful votes.”

 “The Supreme Court is weighing whether Trump is immune from prosecution in the case, a legal battle that has effectively frozen proceedings. The high court is set to hear arguments on Thursday, April 25.”


Score:   Implies Trump May Be A Flawed Individual


“Early in 2022, Trump turned over 15 boxes of documents — including some marked as classified and “top secret” — to the National Archives. But federal investigators scrutinizing the former president’s handling of records reportedly grew suspicious that Trump or people close to him still retained some key records. The FBI seized about a dozen boxes of additional documents during a raid of Mar-a-Lago last summer.”


Score:   Implies Trump May Be A Flawed Individual


New York’s, ManhattanDistrict Attorney Alvin L. Bragg’s office investigated whether Trump violated campaign finance laws in connection to hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. A grand jury voted to bring criminal charges against Trump in the case.”


Score:  Implies Trump May Be A Flawed Individual


The Trump Organization was found guilty of 17 tax fraud counts on December 6, 2022 in a speedy, slam-dunk conviction in New York state court.

Score:  -5


“New York Attorney General Letitia James sued Trump, his family, and the Trump Organization.  James said she uncovered a decade-long pattern of financial wrongdoing at Trump’s multibillion-dollar real-estate and golf resort empire.”


Score:  Implies Trump May Be A Flawed Individual


The Disqualification Lawsuits

Voters and advocacy groups in several states have filed lawsuits seeking to keep Donald Trump off the ballot in 2024. A case in Colorado brought by the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has been litigated most extensively so far.”

“Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, passed shortly after the Civil War, forbids “an officer of the United States” (Donald Trump) from being “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the country.”




The Above list Shows That Trump Is A Possible Political Threat To Democracy.








The above listed items came from:



Posted May 15, 2024
Updated:  May 16,2024
By Score Card

Just Another GOP Failure

Just Another GOP Failure

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified shortly after the Civil War to prevent military officers, federal officers, and state officials who served in the Confederacy from serving in any future public office unless a supermajority of each chamber of Congress voted to allow such service. 

The Constitution’s Disqualification Clause Can Be Enforced Today

Thus, Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits public office holders from holding public office, who have taken an oath to support the U.S. Constitution and then engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.

There is abundant evidence that Mr. Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection, by setting out to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election.  His efforts  trying to alter vote counts by fraud and intimidation, encouraging bogus slates of competing electors, pressuring the vice president to violate the Constitution.

 The Republican Party had an opportunity to clean itself of this alleged fascist ruler by voting to impeach former President Donald Trump.   The Senate Republicans voted 57-43 in the second impeachment trial of President Donald Trump not to impeach him thus sending a new message that a new meaning for GOP may be Gosh Odium Party.




Posted 8-12-2023

Electoral College Failure

Electoral College Failure

“Make America Great Again” is a very clever scheme because it portrays Trump trying to work for the betterment of the United States.  But, as it turns out. It’s real purpose is to make Trump appear great.  And, how do we measure how great or not is the United States?  Has Trump improved the country? If so.  How?  Compared to which prior president?

Trump’s purpose in life is to fulfill and enhance his own selfish work efforts and his own perceived personal value.

Trump is allegedly a self centered narcissist.  Allegedly, he is known to be a lier.

He has already proven to be a criminal facing numerous criminal court cases.

One of the most surprising events that propelled Donald Trump down our future was making him president of the United States, a surprising incredible feat.  This single result has cemented him into our lives way more than if he never became president.

Trump won the 2016 presidential election as the Republican nominee against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton while losing the popular vote. 


  Hillary Clinton vote totals:  65,853,625 votes (48.0%)

  Donald Trump vote totals:  62,985,106 votes (45.9%)

Hillary Clinton WON! 

Except for the the flawed somewhat corrupt Electoral College which made the final decision to give the presidency to Trump.

Electoral College VOTE TOTALS:

  Hillary Clinton vote totals:  232

  Donald Trump vote totals:  306

He won for a number of minor if not flawed reasons:

– He was running against a women. There has never been a woman president in the United States.  Sexist bias may have been a factor.

  African-Americans did not turn out for Hillary as strongly as they did for Obama.

  Clinton made a big mistakes with this group — calling half of Trump supporters “deplorables”.

–  7 Reasons Donald Trump Won The Presidential Election

    • The Electoral College favors battle ground states by giving them more importance. 

Each state gets as many electors as it has members of Congress (House and Senate). Including Washington, D.C.’s three electors.

Each state’s political parties choose their own slate of potential electors.

The Constitution does not require electors to vote for the candidate chosen by their state’s popular vote which should be a crime.

As it stood in this election, the somewhat low IQ battle ground states voted Republican. 

States such as California, overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton.  This method is contrived to be unfair because the person with the most votes should win but does not become president until the Electoral College says so.  Hillary Clinton received the most votes, thus making a mockery out of the US Electoral System.  She won!  Not Trump!  We now have a former president that is an alleged criminal.



Published: 8-8-2023

Did Donald Trump Possibly Commit A Crime?

Did Donald Trump Possibly Commit A Crime?

If President Donald Trump took any classified documents into his personal possession, is so wrong for so many reasons:

What laws may Trump have broken? 

A warrant gave prosecutors the right to seize records at Donald Trumps home, offices, etc that contain  evidence, in violation of three federal laws:

18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information.

18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

18 U.S. Code § 1519 – Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy


Let’s examine some of the reasons this may have been harmful and thus wrong for the United States of America:

Removing classified documents from approved government spaces allows more easy access by enemy nations to take advantage by possessing and reading information that is not to be seen by anyone not approved.

“If Trump is found to have violated federal law in removing and retaining classified documents without authorization, he could be convicted of a felony punishable by five years in prison.”

Have any people in other countries, who have been working for the Central Intelligence Agency, been revealed and thus threatened, tortured or killed as a result of documents taken by Trump?

Did Donald Trump profit by sharing the highly secret documents with enemy nations?  If this is found out to be true then this goes way beyond any reason to not prosecute.

The Law:

Espionage Act (including death if the leak resulted in the death of a covert agent)

The Espionage Act of 1917 prohibited obtaining information, recording pictures, or copying descriptions of any information relating to the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information may be used for the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.  This was one reason used to allow federal agents to search former president Donald Trump’s residence in Florida for top secret government documents that may have been taken when he left office.

Treason involves betraying one’s nation generally by giving information to a hostile entity.  The penalties can vary.

Treason is any intentional act that furthers the enemy’s hostile designs or weakens the United States gives aid and comfort to, and “adheres to,” the enemy.  If Donald Trump passed any classified documents a known agent for a foreign government, then Trump is in serious trouble.

Treason Penalty: Under U.S. Code Title 18, the penalty is death, or not less than five years’ imprisonment (with a minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States also forfeits the right to hold public office in the United States.

Capitol Punishment can be imposed for treason.

The penalty for high treason is life imprisonment. The penalty for treason is imprisonment up to a maximum of life, or up to 14 years for conduct under subsection (2)(b) or (e) in peacetime.

No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or on confession in open court.


It is quite possible that Donald Trump, taking classified documents, was just a colossal stupid act on his part.  If this is the case, it still sends a horrible message to United States spies operating in foreign countries not to trust this country to properly keep secrets.  Also, this whole discovery and prosecution process has gone on for so long that it has been amplified in the news beyond belief.  Any foreign spy working for the United States would have to be living in a cave for months not to know what happened.

If any single person, who was working as a spy for the United States and was killed as a result of documents revealing his or her existence through Donald Trump having a revealing document, then Donald Trump should be labeled a traitor and his life may be terminated.




Posted 9-18-2022
Revised 9-19-2022

Why Vote For Liz Cheney

Why Vote For Liz Cheney


Most Wyoming Republican voters  are not Liz Cheney people anymore. They are Trumpists.  For this reason, she is expected to loose the next election.

Some Definitions of Trumpets follows:


Liz Cheney did fail to win her election, August 2022.  It would appear to some that the Wyoming Republicans may need to refresh their understanding of Donald Trump with more accurate information than they are getting from foreign control non news providers such as Fox “News”.  Let us provide one possible source for those Trumpists:

Trump Attacks the FBI Inflaming His Base While Warning the AG “Our Country is on Fire. What Can I do to Reduce the Heat”



Source for the meaning of Trumpists within the urban dictionary. 


Posted 8-14-2022
Revised 8-17-2022