If Trump Is Found Guilty. (Opinion)

If Trump Is Found Guilty. (Opinion)


I keep hearing reports that a few government individuals, who seem to have private insight into the inner workings of the national security organizations, have stated that it is their view that President Trump is a criminal and possibly a traitor. I personally find this utterly shocking. I have had to reflected upon this because it is so loud in my mind and I am trying to figure out what follows if this is actually true. Remember, please, that what follows is pure conjecture.

If President Trump is found to be a criminal and/or traitor within the Mueller’s report, and is successfully prosecuted for such crimes, this could be devastating for a lot of the following individuals and bodies:

United States could loose some amount of respect for brining to power a dictator and/or traitor. This typically happens in more backward nations. So is the United States so backward? On the other hand, if the United States solves this problem using our legal system, this should raise our standing, not in the political realm, which has been utterly incompetent, but our legal system which should stand out as being rather strong and robust and maybe a model for other nations.

The Republican Party comprises about 24% of the total electorate. This very low number could even erode further handing way more power to the independents and Democrats. We need a two party system and the Republican Party has been run by plutocracy money interests and not the interests of the whole electorate for too long. Independents comprise the highest percent, about 42%, and they may need to form a democratic socialist party to further their aspirations and let us all see the Republican Party die off.

Vice President Pence’s power and position could vastly diminish by being put in office by an alleged despicable. He should be forced out of office if President Trump is actually found guilty.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has seen the Republicans supporting President Trump with a 90% approval rating. He has allegedly done nothing to stop Trump proving that the political system in the United States is nearly incompetent compared to our legal system. His “reward” will be written in the history books.

Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, Justice Neil M. Gorsuch and other federal court judge appointments, made by Trump, could be seen as as illegitimate appointment(s) and call for removal of all his appointments should be considered seriously.

All political appointments made by President Trump should go through a reconfirmation process by congress for reasons already stated.

The plutocracy that supports the Republican Party and tries to control the “Supreme” Court for it’s own selfish gains may find that the nation will, under a new expected progressive government, rewrite the tax code to favor the lower and middle classes, expand health care for all, offer free college education, thwarting climate change and more; all resulting in taxing the rich at much higher levels. The, 1%, plutocracies power of using money to buy influence needs to be diminished in this country for the betterment of all.


Posted February 24, 2019
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